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Experienced Leadership 

  • Trustee, San Bruno Park School Elementary School District, 17 years 

  • Founding Board Member, San Bruno Education Foundation

  • Member, San Mateo Union High School District Equity Advisory Committee 

  • Area 3 Representative, San Mateo County School Boards Association

  • Member, District English Language Advisory Committee

  • Member, Local Control Accountability Plan Advisory Committee

  • North County Coordinator, OYE Latinx Youth Conference 

  • Member, National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO)

  • Chair, Annual Children's Day, Book Day Celebration

  • Commissioner, San Mateo County Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Commission​

Affinity Partners​

California Association of Black Educators (CABSE)

Asian Pacific Islanders Association of School Board Members (APISBMA)

California Latino School Boards Association (CLSBA)​

   PTA/PTO Member

Belle Air Elementary
Parkside Intermediate School
Portola Elementary


©2024 Paid for by the Committee to Re-elect Blanco for School Board FPPC #1433434

©2024 Paid for by the Committee to Reelect Blanco for School Board FPPC #1433434

©2024 Paid for by the Committee to Re-elect Blanco for School Board FPPC #1433434

Jennifer Blanco Trustee
Portola Elementary San Bruno
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Jennifer M Blanco

San Bruno Park Elementary
School District Trustee, Area 1

Dear Friends,

     As a lifelong resident of San Bruno and mother of five, I understand firsthand the challenges our families face and the hopes we all have for our children. Over the years, I have dedicated myself to building a district that truly serves our students, families, teachers, and staff. I’ve learned that strong, experienced leadership is not just important—it’s essential. In times of challenge and change, leadership grounded in experience can make all the difference.
     I amplify the voices of our underrepresented children and families, to address inequity, to ensure transparency, and to bring greater accountability. It’s not enough to have good intentions—we must have the knowledge, the persistence, and the ability to get things done. Our district needs someone who knows how to navigate the complexities of public education and will ensure our children have access to the best possible education. It’s not just about the present—it’s about shaping a future where every child in this district has the opportunity to succeed.
     My passion for our community doesn’t stop at the district level. My work on the San Mateo County Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Commission is driven by the same commitment—to stand up for every child and family to ensure every voice is heard. Now more than ever, we need proven leaders with the courage, knowledge, and vision to move us forward. I will keep doing this work with the same dedication and passion I’ve consistently brought to this role.​
     Last but not least, at a regular board meeting on June 1, 2022, the Governing Board of the San Bruno Park Elementary School District voted to modify our election system in order to avoid litigation threats due to non compliance with the California Voting Rights Act of 2001. We switched from at-large to by-trustee areas, which divides the jurisdiction into geographic districts. The Governing Board voted for the Blue Map Option. We live in Area 1. I humbly ask for your continued support to serve you as your Area 1 Trustee. 

In Community,

Jennifer M. Blanco

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